Why The Sales Checklist™?
Checklists minimize avoidable failures.
Checklists minimize avoidable failures due to lack of attention, memory, or thoroughness. The Sales Checklist™ empowers sales professionals to immediately have a higher baseline of performance by reminding them of the necessary steps in a sales process where missing one step potentially has the same consequences as missing all the steps.
In today’s complex selling environment, knowing how to ask questions, develop trigger events, make presentations, handle objections, etc., is not enough. Knowing what to do, not missing steps is just as critical.
Pilots know how to fly airplanes, but they use a checklist to ensure they don’t miss a step; they need to get it right every time. It’s the same with salespeople; to get it right every time, they need to use The Sales Checklist™.
The Sales Checklist™ is easy to use, simple to coach, and produces immediate results.
10 Questions
- Why do we accept a 25% closing rate? (75% defects)
- Why do our salespeople all sell differently? Why do our managers all coach differently?
- Why do we continually reinvest in sales training and CRM every three years and tell ourselves, “This time, we’ll get it right”?
- Why do our sales meetings ramble on and not produce actionable outcomes?
- Why do surprise losses blindside us?
- Why do our salespeople continue to pursue opportunities they are not likely to win?
- Why is there always a bottleneck with sales support resources such as engineering?
- Why can’t our forecasts be more accurate?
- Why don’t our salespeople have time to pursue new business?
- Why don’t we consistently perform win/loss reviews?
10 Outcomes
- Minimize Variation: standardize sales execution and sales coaching.
- Minimize Defects: increase your close rate.
- Minimize Waste: focus sales resources where they will yield the most significant returns.
- Run your sales organization based on data, not gut feelings or emotions.
- Increase closing/conversion rate, margins, and sales revenue.
- Eliminate surprise losses.
- Systematically disengage from 15%-20% or more of your current pipeline opportunities.
- Optimize previous sales training investments.
- Make your Win/Loss reviews easy, systematic & productive.
- Give your salespeople additional time to pursue net new sales opportunities.